Hi All,
Any idea how to prepare a script to populate multiple tables with random data ?
On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 2:58 AM Ian Barwick <ian.barwick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2019/11/22 7:07, Evan Walter wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to set up streaming replication with barman, going down the tutorial.
> When I run/ I get:
> $barman receive-wal --create-slot pg
> ERROR: Cannot connect to server 'pg'
> $cat /etc/barman.d/pg.conf
> [pg]
> streaming_conninfo = host=<my-pg-server-ipaddress-here> user=streaming_barman dbname=postgres
> $nano /etc/postgresql/12/main/pg_hba.conf
> host all streaming_barman <my-barman-ipaddress-here>/32 md5
The "streaming_barman" user should be a user with replication permissions
(if not already set, execute "ALTER USER streaming_barman REPLICATION")
and appropriate permission granted in "pg_hba.conf":
host replication streaming_barman <my-barman-ipaddress-here>/32 md5
> The Barman Server (logged in as barman): ###############################
> $psql -c 'SELECT version()' -U barman -h <my-ipaddress-here> postgres
Check the replication connection works with:
psql -c 'IDENTIFY_SYSTEM' 'host=<my-ipaddress-here> dbname=postgres user=streaming_barman replication=1'
Ian Barwick
Ian Barwick https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services
Swadesh Mondal