It is not possible to start I am starting this server by using following this command
/opt/edb/as9.6/bin/pg_ctl -D /home/postgres/data_96 start by default port is 5432 .
server is started.
On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 7:17 PM <gilberto.castillo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
El 2019-09-05 09:39, mallikarjun t escribió:
> Dear Gilberto,
> ./psql -p 5444 -d edb -U enterprisedb this one is accessing the EDB
> Advanced Server by using this command.
> Iam already checked the logs role "postgres" is not a login permission
> error message is there.
Do you check it?
/opt/edb/as9.6/bin/pg_ctl -p 5444 -D /home/postgres/data_96 start
> Regards,
> Malli.
> On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 6:35 PM <gilberto.castillo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please, you could check postgresql.log
>> or What is this : ./psql -p 5444 -d edb -U enterprisedb.?
>> El 2019-09-05 08:45, mallikarjun t escribió:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Before streaming replication I will access EDB Advanced Server
>> below
>>> command by using psql
>>> ./psql -p 5444 -d edb -U enterprisedb.
>>> I am happily working.
>>> When I am starting replication process stop the server and take
>> the
>>> basebackup of PostgreSQL Community version and start the new
>> cluster.
>>> for example
>>> /opt/edb/as9.6/bin/pg_basebackup -D /home/postgres/data_96 -h
>>> <master ip address> -p 5432 -X stream -R
>>> I am taking basebackup then after recovery.conf file I include
>>> trigger_file ='/tmp/primary_down',
>>> If my master is down unexpectedly, I will promote my Slave to
>> Master.
>>> the after I start the server by using following commnad
>>> /opt/edb/as9.6/bin/pg_ctl -D /home/postgres/data_96 start
>>> server started and wal receiver is working properly, but real
>> problem
>>> is happens here only,
>>> I want connect to sever by using following command
>>> /opt/edb/as9.6/bin/psql
>>> role "postgres" not a log in permission error message I am
>> getting ,
>>> I am try to put port number along with that
>>> error: could not connect to the server, locally running this port
>>> number 5432.
>>> this is the error message I am getting.
>>> Regards,
>>> Malli.
>>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 5:58 PM Luca Ferrari <fluca1978@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 1:54 PM mallikarjun t
>> <mallit333@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I tried these two compatibilities I will get the same issue.
>>>> According to the installation guide available at
> <>
>>>> the database to connect to is 'edb' with user 'enterprisedb'.
>>>> So does
>>>> psql -U enterprisedb edb
>>>> allow you to connect to your cluster?
>>>> Luca