Hi Karen,
all frontends ask for a password if the combination of hostname,
user, database needs one, unless you save it in the .pgpass or
%APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf file.
Your command
psql -U postgres -d mydb -a -f "Filelocation\name"
lacks a host to connect to. If the database is running on the
same system, add the option -h localhost.
Using the username postgres is generally not a good idea, set up
an ordinary user, create a database for that user and use those.
The name of the user and database may be identical, but doesn't
have to.
After downloading PostgreSQL (if for Windows, it should be the
one by EDB) it has to be installed. I don't think there is a pure
client installer available for Windows, though.
Am 15.07.19 um 10:59 schrieb Karen Goh:
Hi Hoger,
I tried as you said. I downloaded this psql - postgres frontend
for windows and then tried pg_dump as well as psql command
But, they asked me for password.
May I know what kind of password it is referring to ?
When I downloaded POSTGRESQL, it is saved in the program files
in windows 10 but there isn't any command line tool available.
I tried using windows 10 command prompt but it is not accepting
any command like I what type :
psql -U postgres -d mydb -a -f "Filelocation\name"
Please help.
The easiest way would be using psql on the
command line.
Dump a little database using pg_dump with the option
--data-only to see what the format digestible by psql
looks like.
Basically, it's a COPY command followed by the data in
tab-separated format finished by a line consisting of a
backslash and a period. \.
Am 15. Juli 2019 07:27:00 MESZ schrieb Karen Goh <
>I need to migrate to postgreSQL using SQL flat files
which contains a
>few thousands rows of data.
>So far, I have attempted but not successful. Not
sure if it can't be
>done using pgAdmin4.
>And posting to Stackoverflow superUser doesn't help
as there is no
>reply at all.
>Hence, I hope to get some help here.
>Thanks & regards,
Holger Jakobs, Bergisch Gladbach
+49 178 9759012
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