Re: admin control over cancelling autovacuum when blocked by a lock

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Thanks both for all the thoughts.  some replies interspersed.

On 04/30/2019 02:27 AM, Simon Riggs wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Apr 2019 at 02:44, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> <mailto:tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     John Lumby <johnlumby@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:johnlumby@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
>     writes:
>     > On 04/29/2019 07:15 PM, Simon Riggs wrote:
>     >> Why would you want this?
>     > Because it greatly reduces rate of growth of certain indexes in
>     some
>     > workloads
>     > (based on test in which I modified the code to change the cancel
>     to a
>     > plain WARNING)
>     [ raised eyebrow... ]  Shouldn't do so, I think.  What exactly are you
>     doing that's causing the cancel?

Only SELECTs, DELETEs, INSERTs and ANALYZE.   I have pasted the SQL 
commands I'm using below.
This is intended to simulate a customer's real workload.     Note there are
intentionally no pauses between each command and the thing runs 
Maybe adding pauses would "help" but I don't want to help it in that way.

>     > I *think* when an autovacuum worker is cancelled, all or most of
>     the work
>     > it did on its last table is undone  --  true?
> ...
>     If you're losing index cleanup
>     work, it suggests that you're repeatedly executing DDL that requires
>     exclusive lock on the table. 

No CREATE/DROP DDL at all  -
but it does do ANALYZE  -  in this context is that "DDL"? (I hope not ...).
Also pg_catalog.setval() function  -  ditto.

> Exactly the point of my question.
> But further than this, if we changed things as requested the DDL being 
> executed would be forced to wait behind the autovacuum, frustrating 
> the timely execution of the DDL.
> Hence: Why would you want this?

What I am looking for is an *automatic* way of limiting growth of dead 
rows (and number of index pages)
to something controllable and much less than what happens today when the 
autovacuum is almost
always cancelled.      I am willing to accept some degree of slowdown of 
the workload.

So regarding Tom's suggestion in his first append
                      Or you could just launch a manual vacuum.
Yes,    that certainly achieves the limiting-growth objective if the 
workload is occasionally halted,
but that is hard to automate in an effective way.

>     Maybe you could avoid doing that?
> Seems like the only way out of this dilemma.
> -- 
> Simon Riggs <>
> PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

I would add that,  to date,  all the tests I have run have been on 
version 9.4,  for customer-related
reasons.  My original post was merely a question as to whether a 
suitable config parm exists -
answer is clearly no.     Since the discussion has expanded into exactly 
why autovacuum is being
cancelled in my workload,  I'll re-run on vanilla 11.2 just to see if 
maybe things work differently.
I will also collect pg_locks information and try to get more information 
on exactly what is happening.

The workload   (a reconstruction of part of what one real customer does do)
consists of an endless loop of these.
     The three interpolation variables are typically set to values such as
num_ins_del = 512    num_text = 1232   num_ttl = 2579

Note that the workload updates only one table,  this table,
and is chosen so that the total number of rows in thistable remains 
and the counts are there to verify that.   So all growth is solely from 
splits,  dead rows,  etc etc.

#  preliminary counts
  "select max(id) as max_mv_id from thistable;"

  "select count(*) as num_dynamic_addresses from thistable MV inner join 
entity_ip4a IPAD on = MV.owner_id and MV.field_id = 1966090;"

  "select count(*) as num_text from thistable MV inner join entity_rrs 
RRREC on = MV.owner_id and MV.field_id = 65548;"

  "select count(*) as num_ttl from thistable MV inner join entity_rrs 
RRREC on = MV.owner_id and MV.field_id = 65543;"

#  analyze and then preliminary stats
"ANALYZE VERBOSE thistable;"

  "select S.nspname as tbschema, T.relname as tbname, T.relpages as 
tbpages, T.reltuples as tbtuples, X.nspname as ixschema, N.relname as 
ixname, D.indisunique as isuniq, D.indisclustered as isclustered , 
D.indisprimary as ispkey , UTB.n_live_tup as livetuples , UTB.n_dead_tup 
as deadtuples , STIX.avg_leaf_density , N.relpages as ixpages from 
pg_class T inner join pg_class N on T.relkind = 'r' and N.relkind = 'i' 
and T.relname = 'thistable' inner join pg_index D on T.oid = D.indrelid 
and N.oid = D.indexrelid inner join pg_namespace S on S.oid = 
T.relnamespace and S.nspname = 'public' inner join pg_namespace X on 
X.oid = N.relnamespace inner join pg_stat_user_tables UTB on UTB.relid = 
T.oid cross join LATERAL ( SELECT avg_leaf_density FROM 
pgstatindex(N.relname) ) as STIX(avg_leaf_density) order by T.relname, 

#  now do the work
"WITH max_sess_id(id) as ( select max(id) from session_info )
          insert into history select nextval('history_id_seq') , 0 , 
'delete ${num_ins_del} kpIPAddressComment metadata values from current 
owners and insert under new MV-less owners' , 'system' , 2 , 
LOCALTIMESTAMP , , null FROM max_sess_id;
     WITH INDEXED_NO_MV_IP(ip_index , ip_id) as (
          select row_number() over ( order by ) as ip_index , from entity_ip4a IPAD left join thistable MV on = 
MV.owner_id where IS NULL order by 1 limit ${num_ins_del}
      ) , INDEXED_HAS_MV_IP(mv_index , mv_id , version , owner_id , 
floatnumber , text , longnumber , \"boolean\" , \"timestamp\" , field_id 
) as (
      select row_number() over ( ORDER BY ) as mv_index , 
, HMV.version , HMV.owner_id , HMV.floatnumber , HMV.text , 
HMV.longnumber , HMV.\"boolean\" , HMV.\"timestamp\" , HMV.field_id from 
thistable HMV inner join entity_ip4a HIP on = HMV.owner_id and 
HMV.field_id = 1966090 order by 1 limit ${num_ins_del}
  ) , DEL_MV_IP(mv_index , mv_id , version , owner_id , floatnumber , 
text , longnumber , \"boolean\" , \"timestamp\" , field_id) as (
      delete from thistable DLMV USING INDEXED_HAS_MV_IP where = 
INDEXED_HAS_MV_IP.mv_id returning INDEXED_HAS_MV_IP.mv_index , DLMV.*
  ) , HIBSEQ(nextval) as ( select ( ( 
(nextval('public.hibernate_unique_sequence'::regclass) - 1) * 32768 ) + 1 )
  ) INSERT INTO thistable select HIBSEQ.nextval + INMI.ip_index , 
DMI.version , INMI.ip_id , DMI.floatnumber , DMI.text , DMI.longnumber , 
DMI.\"boolean\" , DMI.\"timestamp\" , DMI.field_id from INDEXED_NO_MV_IP 
INMI inner join DEL_MV_IP DMI on DMI.mv_index = INMI.ip_index CROSS JOIN 
    WITH MAXES (mxi) as ( VALUES ( (select max(id) from access_rights) ) 
, ( (select max(id) from metadata_field ) ) , ( (select max(id) from 
thistable ) ) , ( (select max(id) from entity_file ) ) , ( (select 
max(id) from filter ) ) , ( (select max(id) from locale ) ) ) SELECT 
pg_catalog.setval('hibernate_unique_sequence', ((max(mxi)/32768)+1), 
true) from MAXES;
          COMMIT WORK;";

  "WITH max_sess_id(id) as ( select max(id) from session_info )
          insert into history select nextval('history_id_seq') , 0 , 
'delete ${num_text} text metadata values from current owners and insert 
under new text-less owners' , 'system' , 2 , LOCALTIMESTAMP , , null FROM max_sess_id;
     WITH INDEXED_NO_MV_RR(rr_index , rr_id) as (
          select row_number() over ( order by ) as rr_index , from entity_rrs RRREC left join thistable MV on = 
MV.owner_id and MV.field_id = 65548 where IS NULL order by 1 limit 
      ) , INDEXED_HAS_MV_RR(mv_index , mv_id , version , owner_id , 
floatnumber , text , longnumber , \"boolean\" , \"timestamp\" , field_id 
) as (
      select row_number() over ( ORDER BY ) as mv_index , 
, HMV.version , HMV.owner_id , HMV.floatnumber , HMV.text , 
HMV.longnumber , HMV.\"boolean\" , HMV.\"timestamp\" , HMV.field_id from 
thistable HMV inner join entity_rrs HIP on = HMV.owner_id and 
HMV.field_id = 65548 order by 1 limit ${num_text}
  ) , DEL_MV_RR(mv_index , mv_id , version , owner_id , floatnumber , 
text , longnumber , \"boolean\" , \"timestamp\" , field_id) as (
      delete from thistable DLMV USING INDEXED_HAS_MV_RR where = 
INDEXED_HAS_MV_RR.mv_id returning INDEXED_HAS_MV_RR.mv_index , DLMV.*
  ) , HIBSEQ(nextval) as ( select ( ( 
(nextval('public.hibernate_unique_sequence'::regclass) - 1) * 32768 ) + 1 )
  ) INSERT INTO thistable select HIBSEQ.nextval + INMI.rr_index , 
DMI.version , INMI.rr_id , DMI.floatnumber , DMI.text , DMI.longnumber , 
DMI.\"boolean\" , DMI.\"timestamp\" , DMI.field_id from INDEXED_NO_MV_RR 
INMI inner join DEL_MV_RR DMI on DMI.mv_index = INMI.rr_index CROSS JOIN 
    WITH MAXES (mxi) as ( VALUES ( (select max(id) from access_rights) ) 
, ( (select max(id) from metadata_field ) ) , ( (select max(id) from 
thistable ) ) , ( (select max(id) from entity_file ) ) , ( (select 
max(id) from filter ) ) , ( (select max(id) from locale ) ) ) SELECT 
pg_catalog.setval('hibernate_unique_sequence', ((max(mxi)/32768)+1), 
true) from MAXES;
          COMMIT WORK;";

  "WITH max_sess_id(id) as ( select max(id) from session_info )
          insert into history select nextval('history_id_seq') , 0 , 
'delete ${num_ttl} ttl metadata values from current owners and insert 
under new ttl-less owners' , 'system' , 2 , LOCALTIMESTAMP , , null FROM max_sess_id;
     WITH INDEXED_NO_MV_RR(rr_index , rr_id) as (
          select row_number() over ( order by ) as rr_index , from entity_rrs RRREC left join thistable MV on = 
MV.owner_id where IS NULL order by 1 limit ${num_ttl}
      ) , INDEXED_HAS_MV_RR(mv_index , mv_id , version , owner_id , 
floatnumber , text , longnumber , \"boolean\" , \"timestamp\" , field_id 
) as (
      select row_number() over ( ORDER BY ) as mv_index , 
, HMV.version , HMV.owner_id , HMV.floatnumber , HMV.text , 
HMV.longnumber , HMV.\"boolean\" , HMV.\"timestamp\" , HMV.field_id from 
thistable HMV inner join entity_rrs HIP on = HMV.owner_id and 
HMV.field_id = 65543 order by 1 limit ${num_ttl}
  ) , DEL_MV_RR(mv_index , mv_id , version , owner_id , floatnumber , 
text , longnumber , \"boolean\" , \"timestamp\" , field_id) as (
      delete from thistable DLMV USING INDEXED_HAS_MV_RR where = 
INDEXED_HAS_MV_RR.mv_id returning INDEXED_HAS_MV_RR.mv_index , DLMV.*
  ) , HIBSEQ(nextval) as ( select ( ( 
(nextval('public.hibernate_unique_sequence'::regclass) - 1) * 32768 ) + 1 )
  ) INSERT INTO thistable select HIBSEQ.nextval + INMI.rr_index , 
DMI.version , INMI.rr_id , DMI.floatnumber , DMI.text , DMI.longnumber , 
DMI.\"boolean\" , DMI.\"timestamp\" , DMI.field_id from INDEXED_NO_MV_RR 
INMI inner join DEL_MV_RR DMI on DMI.mv_index = INMI.rr_index CROSS JOIN 
    WITH MAXES (mxi) as ( VALUES ( (select max(id) from access_rights) ) 
, ( (select max(id) from metadata_field ) ) , ( (select max(id) from 
thistable ) ) , ( (select max(id) from entity_file ) ) , ( (select 
max(id) from filter ) ) , ( (select max(id) from locale ) ) ) SELECT 
pg_catalog.setval('hibernate_unique_sequence', ((max(mxi)/32768)+1), 
true) from MAXES;
          COMMIT WORK;"

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