PgPool-II is very much suitable for your case. It will distribute your read queries on master and slaves + automatic master switch detection + connection pools.
On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 5:52 PM Thomas Poty <thomas.poty@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As you are using pg 9.5, these links may help :Le mar. 2 avr. 2019 à 13:50, soumitra bhandary <soumitra.bhandary@xxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Does anyone have any idea with django how to configure multiple dsn that will automatically switch to new Postgres master host in case of failover happens to previous master and auto promotion of new master is done with repmgr.
My configuration is as below
Master and asynchronous slave node . Repmgrd is configured to take care of autofailover and promotion of new master node.
But from application side with django how to make datasource so that it automatically switches to new master node in case of failover.
Please share the steps.
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