Hi to the PostgreSql Admin community, we are evaluating PostgreSQL for our productions, for a system with 1000 updates per second,1000 inserts per sec, ~1000 deletes per second1, 250,000 transactions per day, writing ~200+GB day, 200+gb wall per day, and deleting ~80-100GB per day. we are looking for “active-active (r/w) (r/w)” , “active(r/w) -active(read) “ and “active(r/w) stand-by” high availability solution, what High availability solutions ( PG internal or 3rd party) are used successfully, keeping up with the similar rates? double of those rates? do we need 3rd party software solution or can use postgreSQL replication solution alone? ( or combinations?)
do we have benchmark papers comparing alternatives? thanks in advance, Aliza. This email and the information contained herein is proprietary and confidential and subject to the Amdocs Email Terms of Service, which you may review at https://www.amdocs.com/about/email-terms-of-service |