Thanks for your reply
I will try to put in all the logging I collected when doing the switchover.
I did the following:
1. Check if the standby is uptodate
I ran the following query on the standby:
SELECT pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_last_xlog_receive_location(), pg_last_xlog_replay_location()) AS replication_delay_bytes;
This resulted in 0.
2. I shutdown the primary instance
and checked the alertlog of the primary:
< 2019-03-08 09:45:31.553 CET >LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-03-08 09:45:06 CET
< 2019-03-08 09:45:31.554 CET >FATAL: the database system is starting up
< 2019-03-08 09:45:31.557 CET >LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
< 2019-03-08 09:45:31.559 CET >LOG: autovacuum launcher started
< 2019-03-08 09:45:31.559 CET >LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
< 2019-03-08 09:46:41.159 CET >LOG: received smart shutdown request
< 2019-03-08 09:46:41.160 CET >LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
< 2019-03-08 09:46:41.160 CET >FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command
< 2019-03-08 09:46:41.162 CET >LOG: shutting down
< 2019-03-08 09:46:41.182 CET >FATAL: the database system is shutting down
< 2019-03-08 09:46:41.332 CET >LOG: checkpoint starting: shutdown immediate
< 2019-03-08 09:46:41.345 CET >LOG: checkpoint complete: wrote 0 buffers (0.0%); 0 transaction log file(s) added, 0 removed, 1 recycled; write=0.000 s, sync=0.000 s, total=0.015 s; sync files=0, longest=0.000 s, average=0.000 s; distance=16384 kB, estimate=16384 kB
< 2019-03-08 09:46:41.357 CET >LOG: database system is shut down
3. Then i promoted the slave with pg_ctl promote and checked the alertlog:
< 2019-03-08 09:49:55.249 CET >LOG: selected new timeline ID: 4
< 2019-03-08 09:49:55.369 CET >LOG: archive recovery complete
< 2019-03-08 09:49:55.377 CET >LOG: restored log file "00000003.history" from archive
< 2019-03-08 09:49:55.390 CET >LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
< 2019-03-08 09:49:55.391 CET >LOG: checkpoint starting: force
< 2019-03-08 09:49:55.393 CET >LOG: autovacuum launcher started
< 2019-03-08 09:49:55.393 CET >LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
< 2019-03-08 09:49:55.402 CET >LOG: checkpoint complete: wrote 0 buffers (0.0%); 0 transaction log file(s) added, 0 removed, 0 recycled; write=0.000 s, sync=0.000 s, total=0.011 s; sync files=0, longest=0.000 s, average=0.000 s; distance=0 kB, estimate=29490 kB
4. On the former primary I created a recovery.conf
cat recovery.conf
restore_command = 'cat archive_dir/%f | gunzip > %p'
recovery_target_timeline = 'latest'
standby_mode = on
primary_conninfo = 'host=newprimary port=5432 user=replication password=xxxx'
trigger_file = '/tmp/instance.trigger.5432'
5. And started te instance on the former primary
alertlog former primary:
< 2019-03-08 09:53:04.543 CET >LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-03-08 09:46:41 CET
< 2019-03-08 09:53:04.566 CET >LOG: restored log file "00000004.history" from archive
cat: archive_dir/00000005.history: No such file or directory
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
< 2019-03-08 09:53:04.571 CET >LOG: entering standby mode
< 2019-03-08 09:53:04.577 CET >LOG: restored log file "00000004.history" from archive
cat: archive_dir/0000000400000002000000A8: No such file or directory
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
cat: archive_dir/0000000300000002000000A8: No such file or directory
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
< 2019-03-08 09:53:04.591 CET >FATAL: requested timeline 4 is not a child of this server's history
< 2019-03-08 09:53:04.591 CET >DETAIL: Latest checkpoint is at 2/A8000028 on timeline 3, but in the history of the requested timeline, the server forked off from that timeline at 2/A70000D0.
< 2019-03-08 09:53:04.592 CET >LOG: startup process (PID 29629) exited with exit code 1
< 2019-03-08 09:53:04.592 CET >LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure
< 2019-03-08 09:53:04.595 CET >LOG: database system is shut down
Am I missing something?
Please advise?
Thanks in advance.
Op vr 8 mrt. 2019 om 17:51 schreef Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais <ioguix@xxxxxxx>:
On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 22:10:15 +0530
Shreeyansh Dba <shreeyansh2014@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Marian,
> Yes, We have faced the same issue, generally, this type of issue occurs due
> to missing of history file i.e(00000000.history) during the replication
> setup using the pg_basebackup.
> To resolve this type issue you need to create an empty history file with
> name 00000000.history on the master server then rebuild old master by
> initiating the pg_basebackup.
Uh, what? Do you have further info about this? I fail to understand how this is
related to OP question...
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 8:11 PM M Jane <mskiesewetter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > But bringing up the old primary as a slave doesn't work. I get errors (
> > like >FATAL: requested timeline 5 is not a child of this server's history)
> > and the instances shuts down automatically.
While doing a clean switchover, I never seen this (yet).
How are you checking both servers are up-to-date? Do you check that the standby
received everything from the old primary, including its shutdown checkpoint,
before promoting?
Make sure your standby staid connected to your old primary until the later is
completely shutdown-ed. Nothing should disconnect them during the whole
process. And make sure to use mode fast or smart to stop the old primary.
Are you able to share with us the restart checkpoint on the old
primary and the history file created by the new-primary? How far are the
restart LSN and timeline fork from each other?