Achilleas Mantzios <achill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > dynacom=# explain analyze update itemshist set reason='{foo,bar}' where pkid = currval(('public.itemshist_pkid_seq'::text)::regclass); currval() is marked volatile, so that's not a legal index qualification. (Perhaps there's an argument that it'd be more useful to consider it stable, but certainly if you used it in the same query as a nextval() on the same sequence, you'd have trouble.) > -- but if I compare against select currval it uses the index: > dynacom=# explain analyze update itemshist set reason='{foo,bar}' where pkid = ( SELECT currval(('public.itemshist_pkid_seq'::text)::regclass)); Yeah, the planner does not consider uncorrelated scalar sub-selects to be volatile; they'll be evaluated only once per query, regardless of what they contain. So this is sort of a traditional hack for freezing a volatile function's result. (I have no idea whether other RDBMSes read the SQL spec the same way on this point.) regards, tom lane