Just to clarify, we use both methods, everything is correctly set and when there is no issue working … i.e. see this line from log:
2019-02-25 09:09:28.490 CET, pid: 2090891, client: , db: , usr: ; LOG: started streaming WAL from primary at CE8B/17000000 on timeline 2
But problem appears once there is large enough replication lag, so streaming replication just give up and it reverts to replaying WALs (which is point of have both methods, so we don’t need to re-initialize slave/replica again from master), until it catches up with master again (and switches to streaming replication again). Only problem is, that those WAL files copied from “master” (technically from shared storage server) are never deleted from slave/replica pg_xlog directory (after they are replayed on slave/replica).
Best regards
Tomas Uko
From: Shreeyansh Dba <shreeyansh2014@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: úterý 26. února 2019 14:01
To: Tomáš Uko <uko@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: pgsql-admin <pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Petr Novák <novakp@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: streaming vs wal shipping issue
Hi Tomáš Uko,
Here you go in detail to understand the steaming vs wal shipping :
"Streaming replication" refers to continuous sending of WAL records over a TCP/IP connection between the master and the replica, using the walsender protocol overreplication
connections. The master reads its own WAL frompg_xlog
and sends it to the replica on demand. It's configured with aprimary_conninfo
directive inrecovery.conf
entries on the master to permitreplication
connections. You also needwal_keep_segments
and some other options."Log shipping" refers to periodic sending of WAL records as whole WAL archives via a file transfer protocol to an archive location from which the replica can then fetch them. It's configured with a
directive inrecovery.conf
and anarchive_command
in the master. PostgreSQL doesn't care where the files are or how they're transferred, only that thearchive_command
puts them there and therestore_command
fetches the required archive.Streaming replication doesn't have as much lag, as records are sent as they are generated. However, it requires both master and replica to be online and able to communicate directly. It also requires the replica to keep up well enough that the master still has on-disk copies of the WAL the replica needs, and generally requires you to spend extra
space on retaining extra WAL for the replica.
Thanks & Regards,
Shreeyansh DBA Team
On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 2:56 PM Tomáš Uko <uko@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
We have recently found weird issue with WAL being still present after recovery (In fact, they are never deleted), this problem is on several version (starting from 9.4 up to 9.6, possibly later).
Our setup is this:
- Master in one DC, with wal shipping to different storage/server
o Wal shipping via archive_command (pigz and scp - and we check return codes J )
- Several replicas in different DCs, configured use streaming replication as well as wal restore from that storage with archive_mode = 'on'
o snippet of recovery.conf:
standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'host=XY port=5432 user=AAA password=PASSWORD sslmode=verify-full'
restore_command = '~/bin/wal_handler.sh -r -h REMOTE_STORAGE -f %f -p %p -d LOCATION_ON_REMOTE_STORAGE'
This custom script does this:
[ -f “PARAM_P/PARAM_F " ] && { echo "Logfile PARAM_P/PARAM_F already exists"; }
echo "Restoring xlog PARAM_F "
scp -i $SshKey -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no REMOTE_STORAGE:LOCATION_ON_REMOTE_STORAGE/PARAM_F.gz PARAM_P
[ $? == 0 ] || { echo "Failed to retrieve log PARAM_F from REMOTE_STORAGE" && exit 1; }
unpigz -f PARAM_P/PARAM_F.gz
[ $? == 0 ] || { echo "Failed to unpack log to PARAM_P/PARAM_F.gz" && exit 1; }
When our master became under some massive DML workload (daily bases) some of replicas stops using streaming replication and switch to wal restore (so far good). Message in logs:
2019-02-25 23:10:03.087 CET, pid: 2100971, client: , db: , usr: ; LOG: recovery restart point at CEA9/3007188
2019-02-25 23:10:03.087 CET, pid: 2100971, client: , db: , usr: ; DETAIL: last completed transaction was at log time 2019-02-25 22:27:14.059533+01
2019-02-25 23:10:36.829 CET, pid: 2100971, client: , db: , usr: ; LOG: restartpoint starting: xlog
2019-02-25 23:10:47.832 CET, pid: 2100974, client: , db: , usr: ; FATAL: could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR: requested WAL segment 000000020000CEA90000008A has already been removed
But once they start restoring wals, they never deletes afterwards. We’ve discovered when there is restore point, it creates next wal segment in sequence (in pg_xlog dir), which is immediately overwritten by restore.
With overwrite enabled logs are full of:
Restoring xlog 000000020000CE3900000029
Restoring xlog 000000020000CE390000002A
Restoring xlog 000000020000CE390000002B
Restoring xlog 000000020000CE390000002C
Restoring xlog 000000020000CE390000002D
Restoring xlog 000000020000CE390000002E
And once if catches up:
scp: /LOCATION_ON_REMOTE_STORAGE/000000020000CE8B00000017.gz: No such file or directory
Failed to retrieve log 000000020000CE8B00000017 from REMOTE_STORAGE
2019-02-25 09:09:28.490 CET, pid: 2090891, client: , db: , usr: ; LOG: started streaming WAL from primary at CE8B/17000000 on timeline 2
When we disabled overriding of WALs during restore we git this error message
2019-02-25 23:10:03.086 CET, pid: 2100971, client: , db: , usr: ; LOG: restartpoint complete: wrote 142421 buffers (18.1%); 0 transaction log file(s) added, 68 removed, 0 recycled; write=24.086 s, sync=0.022 s, total=24.424 s; sync files=74, longest=0.005 s, average=0.000 s; distance=1114130 kB, estimate=1114148 kB
2019-02-25 23:10:03.087 CET, pid: 2100971, client: , db: , usr: ; LOG: recovery restart point at CEA9/3007188
2019-02-25 23:10:03.087 CET, pid: 2100971, client: , db: , usr: ; DETAIL: last completed transaction was at log time 2019-02-25 22:27:14.059533+01
2019-02-25 23:10:36.829 CET, pid: 2100971, client: , db: , usr: ; LOG: restartpoint starting: xlog
Logfile pg_xlog/000000020000CEA90000008A already exists
Restoring xlog 000000020000CEA90000008A
unpigz: abort: write error on pg_xlog/000000020000CEA90000008A (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
Which means, wal file is present in this xlog directory
Thanks for any advice
PostgreSQL doesn't clean up files copied by your archive_command. You need to have a separate task clean those out. PostgreSQL's active wal_keep_segments etc. are in the data/pg_xlog directory.
On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 8:31 PM Tomáš Uko <uko@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: