The --shm-size flag is available in docker run cli. Using k8s mount an emptyDir to /dev/shm and set the medium as Memory.
Peter Tormey |
On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 10:31 AM Jorge Torralba <jorge.torralba@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So this weekend we ran into the the docker limit of 64m for /dev/shm in one of our highest volume db's in production which we just upgraded to 11 from 9.5. The typical ERROR: could not resize shared memory segment .... was flooding our log files and we were core dumping constantly. We had to set max_parallel_workers_per = 0 in order to disable the feature. This resolved the problem but . took away a feature were looking forward to use.Our system is 44 cores with 300 gigs of ram, 75 gig shared_buffers, 250mb work_mem and 600 max _connections although we use 270 consistent connection remainders are for redeploy that consume additional connections while others expire.Having said all this, the parallel query options where all default values and we were brought to our knees.So, I cannot find any documentation anywhere that would help me calculate the size for shm_size and have docker started with that value. Are there any tios or formula to help with this ?Lastly, is there a way to turn off postgres core dump on segfaults ? Every time we generated the could not resize error, it generated a core dump which killed IO on the system.ThanksThanks,
Jorge Torralba
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