It looks like this is the query that occurs at the same time:
STATEMENT: SET DateStyle=ISO; SET client_min_messages=notice;UPDATE pg_settings SET setting = 'escape' WHERE name = 'bytea_output';SET client_encoding='UNICODE';
Does this help?
On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 1:47 PM Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
"Bawol, Brian" <brian.bawol@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> My co-worker and I are both receiving the following error message when
> attempting to connect to AWS Postgres 10.4 (and 10.6) database instances
> using PgAdmin 4.2:
> "ERROR: cannot execute SELECT in a read-only transaction"
That seems pretty strange. What's the actual underlying query that's
failing? (The server log should show that, as a appendage to the
occurrence of this error, even if PgAdmin won't tell you.)
regards, tom lane