It may be, when you perform vacuum full, some of the processes connected to the same or another database that could be holding on to the pg_shdepend table?
For reclaim the index size perform the reindex.
On Mon, Jan 21, 2019 at 3:48 PM Horst Düster <horst.duester@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm struggling with a huge table pg_shdepend. My database has a size of
640MB exclude the size of the system tables. But the real size of the db
is more than 2GB. The reason is a huge table pg_shdepend with more than
32000000 records. PgAdmin3 shows a table size of
1885MB and an index size of 1690MB. This looks strange for me, because
this size is a multiple amount of the db size itself. I believe, that
there are a lot of rubbish in that table, but I'm not sure.
I had run a vacuum full process, but this didn't help. Could anyone give
me an advice how to clean the table pg_shdepend or reduce the table size?
Any hit would be appreciated.
Dr. Horst Düster
Managing Director
Sourcepole AG - Linux & Open Source Solutions
Weberstrasse 5, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)44 440 77 11
Direkt: +41 (0)44 515 67 70
horst.duester@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - Karten einfach vom Desktop ins Netz