Hi Vinod,
A simple shortcut is as below :
1. Create a shortcut of your exe file.
2. Right click on the shortcut - > add at the end of the target path.
--install_runtimes 0(ex: postgresql-9.4.1-1-windows-x64.exe - - install_runtimes 0)
3. Save and run it
Pavan Teja,
On Mon 7 Jan, 2019, 2:36 PM vinod awasare <vinoddrdo14@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
dear sir,while installation of PostgreSQL via postgresql 9.4 windows installer in windows 7. we encountered the error An error occured executing the Microsoft VC++ runtime installer. how to fix this issue.
Regards,Vinod KumarDESIDOC, DRDOMin of DefenceMetcalfe HouseDelhi-110054011-2390245