Hi Soumik,
It seems your tablespace directory deleted by someone and you need to recreate tablespace for your database.
Go through the below link for more details.
Hope this will helps.
It seems your tablespace directory deleted by someone and you need to recreate tablespace for your database.
Go through the below link for more details.
Hope this will helps.
On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 10:40 PM <soumik.bhattacharjee@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All,
Any idea how to solve this error, tried with pgadmin4 and also using psql CLI
And why this comes in?
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE symuatdb
postgres-# WITH
postgres-# OWNER = postgres
postgres-# ENCODING = 'UTF8'
postgres-# LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.utf8'
postgres-# LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.utf8'
postgres-# TABLESPACE = sym_m_data1
postgres-# CONNECTION LIMIT = 10;
ERROR: could not create directory "pg_tblspc/16386/PG_10_201707211/24576": No such file or directory