On 11/30/2018 03:18 AM, Andrew Gierth wrote:
"prasanna" == prasanna rk <prasanna2mail@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
prasanna> Hi Team
prasanna> How do I disable copy option from database, i understand
prasanna> usually this option will be available only for super user,
prasanna> however we need to disable fully from DB.. please advice
ISTM that a lot of people on this list have never worked in large companies
run by unimaginative people who only know "Best Practice". This crazy
question smells of that: OP has been tasked with blocking COPY or coming
back with an authoritative document saying why it can't be done.
Notice that the superuser has other ways to read and write files (for
example lo_import/lo_export, pg_read_file, using ALTER SYSTEM to
change the log directory and filename, loading a module to call the OS,
using file access functions in any untrusted language, etc. etc.)
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