while setting up logical replication since August we had seen early on the need to increase max_receiver_timeout and max_sender_timeout from 60sec to 5mins, otherwise the synchronization would never
take place.
This Sunday (yesterday) we had an incident caused by wal sender terminating (on Friday) after reaching timeout (5 mins). This left the replication slot retaining wals till our production primary
server run out of space. (this is not connected with the wal fill up of the previous Sunday nor does it explain why it happened, still in the dark about this one).
I got the following messages on the publisher (primary) host : [65253] 5be2ca1d.fee5 2018-11-09 15:06:11.052 EET data_for_testsmadb_pub repmgr@dynacom line:9 LOG: terminating walsender process due to replication timeout [65253] 5be2ca1d.fee5 2018-11-09 15:06:11.052 EET data_for_testsmadb_pub repmgr@dynacom line:10 CONTEXT: slot "data_for_testsmadb_pub", output plugin "pgoutput", in the change
callback, associated LSN 13DF/393BF7F0 [65253] 5be2ca1d.fee5 2018-11-09 15:06:11.066 EET data_for_testsmadb_pub repmgr@dynacom line:11 LOG: disconnection: session time: 49:47:17.937 user=repmgr database=dynacom
host= port=48650
By querying pg_stat_subscription all 3 timestamps were about 5 mins prior to the above walsender termination.
I didn't get *any* ERROR/FATAL message on the subscriber side. We have built a monitoring system that notifies us about problems, conflicts such as unique key violations, etc but we had no alerts
coming from the subscriber logs. So this went unnoticed. Also the scripts about disk size growth fired but this was already too late.
So after I got the alerts about our primary being dead, I had to free the space in pg_wal, keeping all the wals elsewhere, consult pg_controldata about last checkpoint, bring the primary up, and then
making sure that all standbys were up and running. Our physical standby easily caught up, but the logical one (which was part of the cause) of course didn't. So I used the moved wals, moving them back
to pg_wal (of the primary) in bulks (as the subscriber asked) till I managed to bring the subscriber node in sync with the publisher, sans the last wal (the one created at the time of the PANIC),
which I had to bring from our WAL archiving server. This pretty much brought everything up and running again.
Lessons learned are :
* monitoring the subscriber is not enough
* a walsender (sending WAL across for logical decoding) having a timeout may be fatal
I have seen howtos recommending disabling those timeouts : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dms/latest/userguide/CHAP_Source.PostgreSQL.html
The postgresql docs are quite "laconic" about the use of the two timeout parameters, and both default to 1min. :
wal_sender_timeout (integer)
Terminate replication connections that are inactive longer than the specified number of milliseconds. This is useful for the sending server to detect a standby crash or network outage. A value of
zero disables the timeout mechanism. This parameter can only be set in the postgresql.conf file or on the server command line. The default value is 60 seconds.
wal_receiver_timeout (integer)
Terminate replication connections that are inactive longer than the specified number of milliseconds. This is useful for the receiving standby server to detect a primary node crash or network
outage. A value of zero disables the timeout mechanism. This parameter can only be set in the postgresql.conf file or on the server command line. The default value is 60 seconds.
So what postgresql manual basically says to the user is :
- We give you a mechanism to detect failures, we set the default timeout at 60 seconds, and you are responsible to monitor this and act accordingly or write an automated tool to handle such events (to
do what???), otherwise set it to 0 but be prepared, in case of permanent problems, to loose availability when you run out of disk space.
So is there any way to restart the WAL sender ? Is there any way to tell postgresql to retry after this specified amount of time? Otherwise what is the purpose of the LOG message? (which is not even
an ERROR ?) Should a restart of the subscriber or the publisher node remedy this?
Achilleas Mantzios
Dynacom Tankers Mgmt