Would you please tell me what I did wrong here? I couldn't find the rowtype eliminate with a cursor in multi-tables selected.
c1 cursor is
SELECT stg.Service_Center, stg.Receipt_Number, stg.Date_Entered, stg.Sequence_Number,
stg.SSN, stg.A_Number, stg.Last_Name, stg.First_Name, stg.Middle_Name, stg.DOB,
stg.Street_Mail, stg.City_Mail, stg.State_Mail, stg.Zip_Mail, stg.Province_Mail,
stg.Postal_Code_Mail, stg.Country_Mail, stg.Street_Res, stg.City_Res, stg.State_Res,
stg.Zip_Res, stg.Province_Res, stg.Postal_Code_Res, stg.Country_Res, stg.US_Citizen,
stg.Basis, stg.Accompany, stg.mig_filename,stg.mig_insert_dt,stg.mig_modified_dt,
prod.receipt_number as prod_receipt_number, prod.date_entered as prod_date_entered,
prod.sequence_number as prod_sequence_number
FROM cidr_staging.stg_i864 stg LEFT OUTER JOIN cidrdba.sc_i864 prod
ON coalesce(stg.receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.receipt_number,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.date_entered,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.sequence_number,'NULL')
ORDER by stg.mig_seq;
rec1 c1%rowtype;
v_rows int = 0;
v_seq int =0;
v_ErrorCode int;
v_ErrorMsg varchar(512);
v_Module varchar(32) = 'PR_MIG_STG_I864';
v_DDL varchar(10);
v_Rec_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type;
v_Dat_Ent cidr_staging.stg_i864.date_entered%type;
v_Seq_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.sequence_number%type;
v_Ret := 0;
for rec1 in c1
--dbms_output.put_line('Processing Receipt_Number ' || rec1.receipt_number);
-- If the PROD_RECEIPT_NUMBER is null, then the record does not exist in the Production table.
if rec1.prod_receipt_number is null then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;
insert into cidrdba.sc_i864 values (
rec1.Service_Center, rec1.Receipt_Number, coalesce(rec1.Date_Entered,''),
rec1.Sequence_Number, rec1.ssn, rec1.a_number, rec1.last_name, rec1.first_name,
rec1.middle_name, rec1.dob, rec1.street_mail, rec1.city_mail, rec1.state_mail,
rec1.zip_mail, rec1.Province_Mail, rec1.Postal_Code_Mail, rec1.Country_Mail,
rec1.Street_Res, rec1.City_Res, rec1.State_Res, rec1.Zip_Res, rec1.Province_Res,
rec1.Postal_Code_Res, rec1.Country_Res, rec1.US_Citizen, rec1.Basis, rec1.Accompany,
rec1.mig_filename, rec1.mig_insert_dt, rec1.mig_modified_dt );
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'INSERT processed ' || v_rows );
end if;
elsif coalesce(rec1.prod_receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL') and
coalesce(rec1.prod_date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL'
) and
coalesce(rec1.prod_sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL') then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;
update cidrdba.sc_i864 set
SSN = rec1.SSN,
A_Number = rec1.A_Number,
Last_Name = rec1.Last_Name,
First_Name = rec1.First_Name,
Middle_Name = rec1.Middle_Name,
DOB = rec1.DOB,
Street_Mail = rec1.Street_Mail,
City_Mail = rec1.City_Mail,
State_Mail = rec1.State_Mail,
Zip_Mail = rec1.Zip_Mail,
Province_Mail = rec1.Province_Mail,
Postal_Code_Mail = rec1.Postal_Code_Mail,
Country_Mail = rec1.Country_Mail,
Street_Res = rec1.Street_Res,
City_Res = rec1.City_Res,
State_Res = rec1.State_Res,
Zip_Res = rec1.Zip_Res,
Province_Res = rec1.Province_Res,
Postal_Code_Res = rec1.Postal_Code_Res,
Country_Res = rec1.Country_Res,
US_Citizen = rec1.US_Citizen,
Basis = rec1.Basis,
Accompany = rec1.Accompany,
mig_filename = rec1.mig_filename,
mig_modified_dt = current_timestamp
coalesce(receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL')
coalesce(date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL') and
coalesce(sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL'
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'UPDATE processed ' || v_rows || ', expected 1' );
end if;
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'FAILED to process: ' ||
rec1.Receipt_Number || ', ' || rec1.Date_Entered || ', ' || rec1.Sequence_Number );
end if;
exit when v_Ret != 0 or SQLCODE != 0;
end loop;
if v_Ret = 0 then
v_Ret := SQLCODE;
end if;
when others then
v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE;
v_ErrorMsg := SQLERRM;
if inserting then
v_ddl := 'INSERT';
elsif updating then
v_ddl := 'UPDATE';
v_ddl := 'UNKNOWN';
end if;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, v_ddl || ' encountered FALTAL ERROR: (' || v_ErrorCode || '): ' || v_ErrorMsg );
--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR while ' || v_ddl || ': Encountered (' || v_ErrorCode || ') : ' || v_ErrorMsg );
--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR: Record ' || nvl(v_Rec_Num,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Dat_Ent,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Seq_Num,'null') );
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
ERROR: relation "c1" does not exist
CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "PR_MIG_STG_I864" near line 17
SQL state: 42P01
I found the %rowtype could declare of the table%rowtype,myrow tablename%ROWTYPE; but my oracle script had union tables, how can I declare it? I have tried declare rec1 stg%rowtype or prod%rowtype and/or the cidr_staging.stg_i864%rowtype... the error is still same, relation does not exist.
Any helps and explanation would be appreciated.
No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for their mistakes you will be alone. So judge less, love and forgive more.
No one in this world is pure and perfect. If you avoid people for their mistakes you will be alone. So judge less, love and forgive more.
To call him a dog hardly seems to do him justice though in as much as he had four legs, a tail, and barked, I admit he was, to all outward appearances. But to those who knew him well, he was a perfect gentleman (Hermione Gingold)
**Live simply **Love generously **Care deeply **Speak kindly.
*** Genuinely rich *** Faithful talent *** Sharing success