Ron <ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > On 11/07/2018 09:10 AM, Pepe TD Vo wrote: >> *ERROR: "cidrdba.sc_date_in" is not a known variable* > That doesn't look like a "can't merge table from another schema" error. >> *LINE 13: MERGE INTO cidrdba.sc_date_in prod* >> * ^* >> *SQL state: 42601* >> *Character: 352* > What happens when you run the statement through psql? It will fail, of course, since there's no MERGE statement in Postgres. I think the reason for the weird error is that the plpgsql scanner is seeing the "INTO cidrdba.sc_date_in" part and trying to process that as an "INTO plpgsql-variable" clause, before it's fed the rest of the statement to the core parser, which is what would notice that MERGE isn't a known command. Maybe we could improve matters by reordering that processing, but it might be a lot of work for a small benefit. regards, tom lane