Hi, i want to modiy the adatabse via batch script. The user has a password that contains symbols like that “g>uAks!”. The problem here is the “greater than”-symbol.
call set PGPASSFILE=%TEMP%\pgpass.conf echo localhost:5432:postgres:postgres:7Ug^>uAks!{VA > %PGPASSFILE% "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\bin\psql" -U postgres psql will always fail with FATAL: User-Athentification failed. The password was read from ..\Local\Temp\pgpass.conf If I set a Enviromentvariable and “echo” it, it will not work, because of the >-symbol. C:\Users\hschenk>set PGPASSWORD=lalal>lala C:\Users\hschenk>echo %PGPASSWORD% Lalal How can I use this with a password like this? |