sorry I forgot to post it here too... -------- Message transféré --------
Hello, I can give ou a sh script ou delete wall older than 30 days. 1) I don't know if wall_buffer = wal_segment, sorry 2) I think master can't push either streaming in replicat syncrhone and standby replicat because your server must only keep 2GB of wall_segment. 3) The first of the two parameters. But if you want to keep wal until the slave standby server you can do another way : first possibility : you don't change your parameters. And when slave doesn't found wal for synchronize you push on it wal from archive_command. look at that, you have configure your server to save wal in this way : archive_command = 'cp %p /opt/postgres/%f' If the wall is recycling in pg_xlog directory you can find it in /opt/postgres/ you can duplicate it in pg_xlog of your slave sudo cp /opt/postgres/* login@ second choise : create a slot replication : you define on the master a slot replication (postgresql.conf) and name it like this : 1. on the master sql : SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('your_name_replica') 2. modify recovery.conf on the slave with : primary_slot_name = 'your_name_replica'and the master doesn't recycling wal until the slave come to take it ! under you find sh script to delete wal older than 30 days : ---------------------------------------------- #!/bin/bash # variables #bash visant a supprimer les wal datant de plus de 30 jours généré par la commande archive_command de postgres #maj du 7/12/2017 par yc rajoutant le chemin/nom des fichiers wal supprimés dans le log journal=/home/sigdreal/log/journal_menage_wal.log ST=${journal:0:${#journal}-3}"st" if [ -e $journal ]; then mv $journal /home/sigdreal/log/sauv_n1/ fi if [ -e $ST ]; then mv $ST /home/sigdreal/log/sauv_n1/ fi date>>$journal date>>$ST echo "liste des fichiers à supprimer">>$journal echo "---------------------------------------">>$journal find /mnt/sauvdump/replication/ -type f -mtime +25>>$journal find /mnt/sauvdump/replication/ -type f -mtime +30 -delete tp=$((tp+`echo $?`)) if [ $tp = 0 ]; then echo "---suppresion effectuée---------------">>$journal else echo "---suppression non réalisée------------------------">>$journal fi echo $tp>>$ST date>>$ST------------------------------------------------------------ Le 21/09/2018 à 23:11, "> Prince
Pathria (par Internet, dépôt pgsql-admin-owner+m63745-89324@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)"
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