Re: Repmgr 4, 2 primary servers in cluster

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Hello Kurt,

When you promote a standby node to become primary, you cannot just reconnect the old primary to become a new standby. Both are now separated servers. Both are primary nodes.

In the context of repmgr, to reuse the old server as a new standby, you will have to first unregister the old primary with:

repmgr primary unregister --node-id <theid>

More info here:

Once it's unregistered you have two choices:

- Either you rebuild a new standby instance on the same server with 'repmgr standby clone'

- or more complex, but useful for large databases, you manually synchronize the existing instance with rsync (while doing a base backup), and create the correct 'recovery.conf' file. Then 'repmgr standby register' with the correct information.

Now, if you are interested in a planned switchover, repmgr also has a command for that:

I hope that helps


Van Gompel Kurt wrote on 2018-09-19 20:22:

I'm testing Postgresql 10 with repmgr 4.

I set up a primary with 1 standby server.

Afterwards, I stopped the primary server and promoted the standby server to primary (repmgr standby promote -f /etc/repmgr.conf).

Now the command 'repmgr -f /etc/repmgr.conf cluster show' shows 2 primary servers.

How can I turn the 'old primary' server into a standby?

Thanks in advance for your answers?

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