Moreover what of the next options do you recommend using in repmgr :
1)Using replication slots
2)Using barman
2018-06-25 9:44 GMT+03:00 Mariel Cherkassky <mariel.cherkassky@xxxxxxxxx>:
To be honest I used most of the default settings of repmgr and didnt focus on replication slot because I didnt saw that is was mentioned in the documentation. I will schedule soon a maintenance work to upgrade the cluster to version 10. I dont have any firewalls between all the nodes. So the optimal use is configure replication slot. Another question , "have it fail over to using the archived WALs instead of full database restore" How do I configure this ?Thanks , Mariel.2018-06-24 19:37 GMT+03:00 Ron <ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx>:On 06/24/2018 11:22 AM, Flavio Henrique Araque Gurgel wrote:
Actually there are just two simple questions for the OP: Why you're not running the latest 9.6
Besides "he hasn't gotten around to it", there are companies that allocate a few hours of downtime once per year (usually on Christmas Day) for critical databases managing process control in factories.
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