Sorry I didn't describe my question clearly. Say that role r1 is granted to many users, and I want to disable role r1 so that privileges granted to these users are disabled at the same time. I don't want to call REVOKE for each user, and it can prevent situations when I forget to call REVOKE for some users.
Ron <ronljohnsonjr@xxxxxxxxx> 于2018年6月11日周一 下午4:43写道:
On 06/11/2018 03:24 AM, Yinjie Lin wrote:
Hello everyone.
I'm wondering if there is any way we could disable a role temporarily, and enable it later.
For example, there are two users u1 and u2. User u1 grants the privileges of its table t1 to role r1:grant all on t1 to r1;
Then, role r1 is granted to user u2:grant r1 to u2;
Now user u2 should have access to table t1. Here is my question: can we disable role r1 so that user u2 will not have permissions on table t1? Note that role r1 is not removed, so we can enable it later.
I expected ALTER ROLE would have some options dealing with this, but could not find a proper way. Does anyone have ideas? Thanks in advance.
Why not revoke r1 from u2?
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