On 7 June 2018 at 13:05, pavan95 <pavan.postgresdba@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Any ideas in accomplishment of this task are of great help! You could create a (structured, json?) comment on the database with this kind of information, if you don't use the comment field on the database (yet). feike=# SELECT json_build_object('created', now(), 'author', CURRENT_USER)::text AS comment; -[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------------------------------------------- comment | {"created" : "2018-06-09T08:33:30.994298+00:00", "author" : "feike"} feike=# COMMENT ON DATABASE demo IS '{"created" : "2018-06-09T08:33:30.994298+00:00", "author" : "feike"}'; COMMENT Later on, you can read/parse that comment using pg_shdescription: feike=# SELECT description, (description::jsonb->>'created')::timestamptz FROM pg_shdescription JOIN pg_database pd ON (objoid=pd.oid and classoid = 'pg_catalog.pg_database'::regclass) WHERE datname = 'demo'; -[ RECORD 1 ]--------------------------------------------------------------------- description | {"created" : "2018-06-09T08:33:30.994298+00:00", "author" : "feike"} timestamptz | 2018-06-09 08:33:30.994298+00 regards, Feike