> On May 14, 2018, at 4:22 PM, Don Seiler <don@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Ping shows a pretty solid latency of 49-50 ms. > Depending on your window size; that will determine the throughput (not to exceed the link speed). TCP Window / latency = throughput; i.e. if the windows is 16kb with 50 ms latency the max throughput is 640kb/s or 5.12Mbps 16/.05 = 640kb/s The window size will vary during the connection; it will start off small and then progress to your max setting. Now you need to determine how large you window can get and what is it actually doing; that will require observing the connection via tcpdump or similar tools. Dropped packets will prevent the window size from increasing and also cause retransmits.