Wells Oliver <wells.oliver@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > Where can I see these triggers? They don't show under the PG Admin trigger > tab of course, are they, I don't know, special triggers, stored elsewhere? > Can I query an internal PG table? Sure, like this: regression=# create table pk (f1 int primary key); CREATE TABLE regression=# create table fk (f1 int references pk); CREATE TABLE regression=# select tgname,tgfoid::regproc from pg_trigger where tgrelid = 'pk'::regclass; tgname | tgfoid ------------------------------+------------------------ RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_51649 | "RI_FKey_noaction_del" RI_ConstraintTrigger_a_51650 | "RI_FKey_noaction_upd" (2 rows) regression=# select tgname,tgfoid::regproc from pg_trigger where tgrelid = 'fk'::regclass; tgname | tgfoid ------------------------------+--------------------- RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_51651 | "RI_FKey_check_ins" RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_51652 | "RI_FKey_check_upd" (2 rows) psql and probably most other client tools hide these triggers figuring they're uninteresting, but they're pretty ordinary triggers otherwise. regards, tom lane