On 04/15/2018 05:22 PM, Azimuddin Mohammed wrote:
Is there a way I can encrypt the default password column of db user
password. I know by default the password is encrypted as md5, can we
encrypt that of shadow column for password?
Are you talking about this view?:
If so that is only readable by superusers:
production=# \c - aklaver
You are now connected to database "production" as user "aklaver".
production=> select * from pg_shadow ;
ERROR: permission denied for relation pg_shadow
production=> \c - postgres
You are now connected to database "production" as user "postgres".
production=# select * from pg_shadow ;
usename | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | userepl |
usebypassrls | passwd | valuntil | useconfig
Assuming someone is in your database as a superuser, access to the
password field in pg_shadow is pretty much moot.
Thanks in advance
Adrian Klaver