HI List
I am running PG 10.2 with streaming replication, no archiving option
with 10 slots replication option , I had the slave down for 6 hours
which generated 56GB of wal files in pg_wal dir, after slave was brougt
online and catchup with master , the wal dir was still growing on slave
with more than 25GB where in archive_status where all the files where in
*.done files , eventually the /wal directory reached 100% but still no
wal files removed from archive_status
I am trying to understand what I am missing in this confg ( the master
and slave are cfg for pg_dump backups the switch-over is done with
pg_basebackup using repmgr4.2.last release )
the present db size 140GB OLTP type transactions , with an avg 10-12GB
new data growth per day.
Here is my cfg
wal_keep_segments = 300
wal_log_hints = on
checkpoint_timeout = 5min
max_wal_size = 1GB
min_wal_size = 80MB
hot_standby =on
Thank you