Thanks to all of you. I'll test the pglogical
El 16/02/18 a las 13:37, MichaelDBA
pglogical can do major upgrades starting at version 9.4 and up,
so startup a 9.6 logical replication from the 9.4 master and
failover over to the 9.6 replica when you want to go live with
the new version.
Michael Vitale
Friday, February 16, 2018
2:18 AM
Friday, February 16, 2018
1:16 AM
Hi all,
I need to migrate a couple of servers running postgresql 9.4
been syncro with streaming replication to postgresql 9.6.
Obviously the service could not be stopped.
Does any of you test to syncro data via streaming replication
from a source in 9.4 and a target in 9.6?
Do you have a "howto" tested?
Many thanks,