Hi satheesh,
Instead of ldap authentication method you can also use other methods like md5, and if it's trusted server u can use trust authentication method etc. Please refer the documentation regarding different authentication methods in pg_hba.conf file
On Feb 14, 2018 12:27 PM, "Sathesh S" <sathesh.sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello All,
Is there a way to disable/suppress hostname checks in while using Secured LDAP in postgreSQL for authentication.
The issue what we have is that the LDAP certificate what we are using is working for fully qualified named of the domain but not when we use a direct LDAP server in the pg_ba.conf file.
For example:
Our internal LDAP team says that we nees to disable/suppress the hostname checking on the postgreSQL side for the 2nd option to work.
Does anyone have an idea on how we can suppress hostnames check while using Secured LDAP.
Thanks ,