Hello, I have a strange issue here, demonstrated by the below script, run as postgres (superuser), problem is in both 9.3 and 10.0 : dynacom=# create table testforfu (id serial, descr name); CREATE TABLE dynacom=# insert into testforfu (descr) values('bar'); INSERT 0 1 dynacom=# CREATE ROLE fuser; CREATE ROLE dynacom=# ALTER ROLE fuser WITH SUPERUSER INHERIT CREATEROLE CREATEDB LOGIN NOREPLICATION NOBYPASSRLS; ALTER ROLE dynacom=# create schema fuser; CREATE SCHEMA dynacom=# alter schema fuser owner to fuser ; ALTER SCHEMA dynacom=# SET search_path = fuser,pg_catalog; SET dynacom=# create view fuser.testforfu as select * from public.testforfu; CREATE VIEW dynacom=# alter view fuser.testforfu owner to fuser ; ALTER VIEW dynacom=# create table fuser.testforfutbl (descr TEXT); CREATE TABLE dynacom=# alter table fuser.testforfutbl owner to fuser ; ALTER TABLE dynacom=# select * from fuser.testforfu ; id | descr ----+------- 1 | bar (1 row) dynacom=# alter user fuser nosuperuser ; ALTER ROLE dynacom=# select * from fuser.testforfutbl ; descr ------- (0 rows) dynacom=# select * from fuser.testforfu ; ERROR: permission denied for relation testforfu So the select on the table works, but not on the select on the view. If I remake fuser as superuser then the select works ok : alter user fuser superuser ; ALTER ROLE dynacom=# select * from fuser.testforfu ; id | descr ----+------- 1 | bar (1 row) In fact, there is no way on earth I can regain access to view fuser.testforfu for any user (postgres included) unless I change its ownership (or make fuser a superuser). is this normal? documented? Am I missing anything? -- Achilleas Mantzios IT DEV Lead IT DEPT Dynacom Tankers Mgmt