The HA & SPOF dependency can be removed completely with help of PostgreSQL & Pgpool-II design and replace no use of any licensed software components.
We have implemented a very complex HA architecture at one of our customer using Open Source tools (PostgreSQL/PgpoolII).
We have implemented a very complex HA architecture at one of our customer using Open Source tools (PostgreSQL/PgpoolII).
On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 7:49 AM, Ramesh naik <ramesh.esl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Azim,Pgpool is not of SPOF. You can use watchdog feature in PgPool-II to achieve HA.I’ve used it before. I didn’t find any difficulties in configuring or managingFYI..
On Thu, 11 Jan 2018 at 9:11 AM, Azimuddin Mohammed <azimeiu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote::-)Our fear is using open source tools for HA creates dependency and single point of failure(pgpool). Or say pacemaker which our enterprise do not recommend.We are planning to use postgres to use for our hadoop metastore which is presently on Oracle.On Jan 10, 2018 6:21 PM, "Mark Kirkwood" <mark.kirkwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: On 11/01/18 13:08, Azimuddin Mohammed wrote:
Thanks mark..
That does help...
Our db is not transactional more of write few times read many times ..What HA do you recommend for us by not using any open source tools...and what could be the best backup startegy...
Wow - that 'not using any open source tools' restriction pretty much rules out any options I'd come up with (was that *really* what you meant to write - Postgres is after all open source too...)?
--Regards,Ramesh Naik E+65 8202 7519