Correct, and there is no need to create an index on a unique constraint or primary key as they are already implemented via indexes. I can’t count how many duplicate indexes I’ve dropped in the past. I use this view help find duplicates in a given system. Duplicate indexes just use up space and rob performance during updates and inserts. /*====================================================================================================== q$Id: duplicate_index.sql 1 2015-12-19 15:40:29Z rui $ Description: Find duplicate indexes ======================================================================================================*/ create or replace view duplicate_index as select base.indrelid::regclass as table_name , string_agg((dup.indexrelid::regclass)::text, E'\n') as indexes , pg_size_pretty(avg(pg_relation_size(dup.indexrelid))) as avg_size from pg_index base join pg_index dup on dup.indrelid = base.indrelid -- table identifier and dup.indkey = base.indkey -- columns indexed and dup.indclass = base.indclass -- columns types and ( dup.indexprs = base.indexprs -- expression predicate for columns or ( dup.indexprs is null and base.indexprs is null ) ) and ( dup.indpred = base.indpred -- expression predicate for where clause or ( dup.indpred is null and base.indpred is null ) ) and dup.indexrelid != base.indexrelid --index identifier group by base.indrelid::regclass , concat(base.indkey::text, base.indclass::text, base.indexprs, base.indpred) order by avg_size desc , base.indrelid::regclass ;