I don't think this is the issue (Tom's theory sounds more likely). Also
changing the IPC shared memory limit is not going to make any difference
for these later versions of Postgres (>= 9.3) as it uses POSIX shared
memory (I believe the whole point of that change was to avoid the need
to tweak these IPC parameters)!
On 15/11/17 09:07, Arjun Ranade wrote:
We will try that. I am wondering why we need to worry about this in
pg10 whereas we had no issues with shared memory in 9.4
On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Alvaro Aguayo Garcia-Rada
<aaguayo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:aaguayo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Try with:
echo "18446744073709551615" > /proc/sys/kernel/shmax
Then restart postgres
Alvaro Aguayo
Operations Manager
Open Comb Systems E.I.R.L.
Office: (+51-1) 3377813 <tel:%28%2B51-1%29%203377813> | Mobile:
(+51) 995540103 <tel:%28%2B51%29%20995540103> | (+51) 954183248
Web: www.ocs.pe <http://www.ocs.pe>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arjun Ranade" <ranade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: "Alvaro Aguayo Garcia-Rada" <aaguayo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: "pgsql-admin" <pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, 14 November, 2017 15:00:03
Subject: Re: PG10 - Out of shared memory / invalid memory
alloc request size
/proc/sys/kernel/shmax = 68719476736
On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Alvaro Aguayo Garcia-Rada <
aaguayo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:aaguayo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> I remember an old issue I had with postgres and shared memory
being set
> too low by the distro I was using.
> What's the value of "/proc/sys/kernel/shmmax"? Try setting to
> 18446744073709551615
> Regards,
> Alvaro Aguayo
> Operations Manager
> Open Comb Systems E.I.R.L.
> Office: (+51-1) 3377813 <tel:%28%2B51-1%29%203377813> | Mobile:
(+51) 995540103 <tel:%28%2B51%29%20995540103> | (+51) 954183248
> Web: www.ocs.pe <http://www.ocs.pe>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Arjun Ranade" <ranade@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: "pgsql-admin" <pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Tuesday, 14 November, 2017 14:44:08
> Subject: PG10 - Out of shared memory / invalid memory alloc
> request size
> We recently upgraded a database that a number of developers use from
> Postgres 9.4 to 10. Our memory parameters are unchanged.
> We are seeing a lot of errors that look like this in the
postgres log:
> < 2017-11-14 13:13:59 EST [144172] : [1-1]
> user=[unknown],db=qa16,remote= > FATAL: no
> PostgreSQL
> user name specified in startup packet
> < 2017-11-14 13:52:22 EST [6273] : [1-1]
> user=deployment_app,db=qa5,remote= >
ERROR: out of
> shared memory
> < 2017-11-14 14:17:53 EST [6200] : [3-1]
> user=service_tracker_app,db=qa16,remote= >
> invalid memory alloc request size 34359738368
> Anecdotally it seems that these errors are happening when
> powa_take_snapshot() (Postgres workload analyzer) is running as
well but I
> can't confirm that.
> Does anyone know how to debug these types of errors? And once
the db is in
> this state, how do we resolve sessions reporting "Error: invalid
> alloc request size" - killing the sessions and having them
reconnect does
> not fix the issue.
> Thanks,
> Arjun
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