When I run a CREATE USER or ALTER USER statement and set a password for a user, that statement gets printed to the server log, along with the password, IN CLEAR TEXT. For example:
2017-10-11 09:20:40 CDT [19024]: [3-1] db=postgres,user=postgres,app=psql,client=[local] LOG: statement: CREATE USER foo PASSWORD 'bar';
2017-10-11 09:20:42 CDT [19024]: [4-1] db=postgres,user=postgres,app=psql,client=[local] LOG: statement: ALTER USER foo PASSWORD 'boo123';
These seems like a really bad security bug. Regardless of what other log statement settings you may have, there should never be a reason to print a password in plain text to the logs.
This was in Postgres 9.6.4.
Don Seiler