Hi Ron,
What OS is your server running, and what OS is your client running?I found that it was only possible to get clients from a Windows machine to authenticate via ldap against a server that was also running Windows. Hopefully someone else has more experience here than me.
On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 5:02 PM, Tang, Ronald K CIV FNMOC, N6 <ronald.k.tang@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am trying to configure my Postgres server to use LDAP for authentication. My pg_hba.conf config line is:
ldap ldapserver=ldaps://myldaps.company.com ldapport=636 ldaptls=1 ldapprefix="uid=" ldapsuffix=",ou=People,o=my.company.com "
I queried the LDAP server successfully with the 'ldapsearch' tool with the same DN. However, I cannot get it to work successfully on Postgres. I have ssl=on and all server and CA certs installed.
Postgres version 9.5.6.
Error log:
could not initialize LDAP: No such file or directory
LDAP authentication failed for user "user1"
auth_failed, auth.c:288
Thanks for any helps.
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