Hi, I am not sure if I am sending this mail to the right person(s), but I am hoping if not you can point me in the right direction. My company, based in Ireland & UK, is looking to skill up and certify some resources on Postgres. We have a PluralSight subscription with has quite a few postgres courses available on it, but I am looking for information
what certifications there are, and how best to achieve them. I have looked on the site (www.postgresql.org) and
have found reference to the following training in the upcoming events section: PostgreSQL 9.X DBA Hands-on Training
& Certification Program - SaiFirst PostgreSQL 9.X DBA certification hands-on Instructor-led training program covers the latest PostgreSQL database topics. The course is designed for both administrators and developers. This program also prepares
an individual to get certified as a CPSDBA (Certified PostgreSQL DBA).
Note: Certifications offered by CertFirst is an independent certification, and is not reviewed or endorsed by the PostgreSQL Community. However, the note states the CertFirst is independent. Is this a recognised/respected certification, or is there a better one that is endorsed by the community? Many thanks for any help and advise you give, Regards, Riceal McDermott – Business Relationship Manager
Managed Services Practice
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+44 1233 659 238 Mobile:
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Version 1 Software Unlimited Company, T/A Version 1, is a company registered in Ireland |