Hi Thomas,
After your mail I figured out that I need export result to excel file. I used workbench before but I did not know to do it.
Thanks a lot,
On Fri, 12 May 2017 at 19:21, Thomas Kellerer <spam_eater@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Günce Kaya schrieb am 12.05.2017 um 17:58:
> Thank you for your advice. But I did not want to ask about using
> Copy. I always use it but my requirement is if there is anyway to
> export query result to CSV's different sheets.
A CSV file has no sheets (it does not even have a "structure" as it is plain text).
The tool I am maintaining can do you what you want (or at least what I think you want):
It has a built-in command to export data to various formats including ODS or XLSX which you need in order to create multiple "sheets"
The following command
WbExport -file=data.xlsx -sourceTable=table_one,table_two, table_three;
Creates a single XLSX file with three sheets, one for each table.
You can download it here: http://www.sql-workbench.net/
For details on the WbExport command see here: http://www.sql-workbench.net/manual/command-export.html
Disclosure: I am the author of that tool.
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