Good to know, We haven't upgraded to 9.6 yet, however, but I'll suggest that for this upgrade.
On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Yuri Paes Leme <yuripl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So, IMHO, if you can use the 9.6.x version, more cores, more powerOn Tue, 21 Feb 2017 at 14:39 John Scalia <jayknowsunix@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:JayThe rest of the specs are identical with 512Gb RAM and more than 2 Tb SSD drives. Our data warehouse is just shy of 2Tb now. I suspect the the first option would be more optimal as I don't think PostgreSQL can make effective use of a lot of processor cores. So fewer cores would be better optimized with the O/S. Can anyone weigh in on whether my assumptions are correct?2) CPU = Intel e5-2650v4 2.2GHz 14 core with hyperthreadingvs.1) CPU = Intel e5-2637 3.5GHz 4 core with hyperthreadingHi all,One of my system admins has approached me about replacing our production data warehouse system. I believe I know the answer, but would just like more opinions. He's giving me two options so far: