Is it the *owner* you are worried about or did you create the tables in the postgres database instead of creating a new database and using that one?
If the database is correct but not the owner you can just use "grant/revoke" to update privileges as appropriate.
If you created your tables in the postgres database, you have a few options. One is to dump the postgres database using the --no-owner option then create your desired database and restore, as your desired correct new owner, the dump into your new database.
Another option is to use the "alter database" command to rename postgres to your desired new name and to change the ownership of the newly renamed database as desired. You should then recreate the postgres database from template1.
Finally, you can create the new database using postgres as the template database. You will still need to alter the newly created database to set the ownership and, potentially, grant privileges. More on creating database from templates is here:
This assumes you don't have a bunch of detailed roles and table/view/...-specific permissions in which case things may be more complicated.
On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 6:33 PM, Kevin Duffy <kevind0718@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
KBDMany thanks for your attention to this matter.Is there a way I can shoot myself in the foot here.Is there an order I should do the changes in?Question: the database and schema ownership needs to be changed also?I have created the role: xxx-db-owner.I have a bunch of tables , functions and user defined types.Now I need to get this changed to a log-on role say xxx-db-owner.I created a database and did some amount of development as postgres.Hello all:I made a mistake. Maybe I was lazy.And most important I have db backups and have a copy of the db on the server under a different name.And I have written the sql to to the changes for the tables, functions and user defined types.