I have run into a case on one of mine psql servers (9.5.3 on Ubuntu 14.04.4) where one table in db seems to be corrupted.
Doing select on this table yields this result:
select * from api_logs;
ERROR: XX000: missing chunk number 0 for toast value 413511 in pg_toast_25477
LOCATION: toast_fetch_datum, tuptoaster.c:1945
LOCATION: toast_fetch_datum, tuptoaster.c:1945
I have tried to fix this by following this tutorial: https://newbiedba.wordpress.com/2015/07/07/postgresql-missing-chunk-0-for-toast-value-in-pg_toast/
Reindexing both tables (
REINDEX table pg_toast.pg_toast_25477; REINDEX table api_logs;) does not help, VACUUM also gives the same result.
Then I tried finding the bad values with the script:
for ((i=0; i<"Number_of_rows_in_nodes"; i++ ));....This yielded following offset numbers (9,26838...), as tutorial showed, I did: select id from api_logs offset 9, etc
Then I tried to select those records with thees ids, the weird thing is that select on those records worked.
I then did COPY for these "supposedly broken" ids to csv, deleted them from table and tried VACUUM, which did not help at all.
I also tried to delete offset 8, but this also did not help.
How can I fix this table, what am I doing wrong? Somehow I think the ids of records at those offsets are not the correct ones that are really broken...
Best regards,