I successfully installed from source with a different user other than postgres on Ubuntu.
However now I am curious we can do any modification like this when I install PostgreSQL via the tool, like apt-get or yum.
As you mentioned, these tools creates postgres user automatically.
If we use a tool like this, we need to create another superuser as post-installation procedure to switch user, and stop usage of postgres default user..
Just curious.. how people is doing this type of scenario...
Maki Smith US IT - Technical Design Authority Infrastructure | PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
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On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 4:12 AM, Wolfgang Wilhelm <wolfgang20121964@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello,a little more information would be helpful.But to make things short: The user who starts the initdb command is the database admin user. When you install PostgreSQL via the tool of your distribution like apt (Debian), yum or whatever then the package manager generates the user postgres and executes initdb as user postgres.Kind regards,WolfgangDavid G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx> schrieb am 21:34 Dienstag, 19.Juli 2016:
To meet our security requirement, we would like to use another account other than postgres to install and run postgreSQL. Is this possible to do?You need to tell us by what method you intend to install PostgreSQL, and on what platform, before this can be usefully answered.The documentation covers how to go about installing from source. It should cover how to choose a label different than "postgres" if you so desire.David J.
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