Using postgres 9.5 and I'm trying to improve performance of searches using the LIKE operator on column containing a URL.
Consider a table like this with about 50 million rows
CREATE TABLE page_hit (
timestamp_ timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
location_url character varying(2048)
and a query like this
SELECT count(*)
FROM page_hit
WHERE location_url LIKE ''
The above query makes use of the following index
CREATE INDEX location_idx
ON page_hit
USING btree
(location_url varchar_pattern_ops);
The works great..BUT... to support LIKE wild cards in other parts of the string (for example a leading %) I created a GIN index as follows
CREATE INDEX location_idx_gin
ON page_hit
(location COLLATE pg_catalog."default" gin_trgm_ops);
The problem is when I run EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the above query now its only ever using location_idx_gin and ignoring location_idx which kinda sucks cause the location_idx index is faster at trailing % queries. The query planner seems to ignore my BTREE index in all cases and uses the GIN index.
The BTREE index outperforms the GIN index (in the case of a trailing %) but I want the planner to pick the GIN index in the case of leading %. Is there a way to do this?
Some metrics (queries trailing %):
- BTREE : <1 second explain:
- GIN : 3.8 seconds explain: