Hi all,
Any idea really ?
Le 29/02/2016 11:41, Michael JOIGNY a
écrit :
Hi everybody,
I'm looking for some help on Postgresql 9.5 with Pgpool 3.4.
Since the upgrade from postgresql 9.3 to 9.5, i have the same
error message below when i'm trying to connect to pgpool using
PGadmin :
"pgpool: DETAIL: no pool_hba.conf entry for host "myhost",
user "myuser", database "mydatabase", SSL off"
However i obtain this error message on Windows 10 client with
pgadmin v.1.22 but on my ubuntu client, it works fine with the
same pgadmin version....
This is my configuration :
- Postgresql : 9.5.1-1.pgdg70+1
- postgresql.conf :
- pg_hba :
- hostssl all all mynetwork md5
- Pgpool : 3.4.3-1.pgdg70+1
- pool_hba
- hostssl all all mynetwork md5
The same settings works fine with the same configuration on
postgresql 9.3.11 / pgpool 3.1.3 with windows/ubuntu clients...
Do you have an idea ? ciphers's problem ? Thanks in advance.