No, it's working as expected. ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES doesn't change the default privileges for every object created by anyone in a given schema. It changes the default privileges for objects created by a given role. If you don't give a role, then the default privileges are changed for the role that's currently logged in.
We've managed this by having all DDL (object creation and maintenance) done by a specific role. We usually make that role the owner of everything as well.
On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 9:27 AM, Rob Emery <re-pgsql@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
RobThanks,it seemed to work!? This feels really odd to me, I'd expect the first one to apply to everyone. Unless I'm totally misinterpreting that behaviour?Although when I switched it to :From your suggestion, I've actually just tried that, and I was finding that doing:Hi ThomasThat sounds actually ideal; I can create the schema as a superuser and switch the owner to re_migration.
IN SCHEMA new_schema
GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO live_application;
didn't seem to work, a table when created wasn't readable by live_application.
FOR ROLE re_migration
IN SCHEMA new_schema
GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO live_application;On 11 March 2016 at 13:08, Thomas Kellerer <spam_eater@xxxxxxx> wrote:Rob Emery schrieb am 11.03.2016 um 12:18:
> So we're looking at automating our migrations against PG for the
> developers so that it's simple enough for them and no maintenance for
> me. I'm struggling to find a role/permissions structure that works;
> we've come from SQL Server so we're used to having DBRoles.
> So I want the re_migration role to be able to create tables,
> sequences etc and grant to other users etc; yet I want the
> live_application role to be able to select,insert,update,delete.
> It seems that the only real solution here is to have the db owned by
> re_migration, then in every migration GRANT
> SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE to the live_application role?
You can set default privileges for a schema:
If you do that, every object that is created in the schema is automatically assigned those default privileges.
So you only need to do do once, after you create a new schema, e.g.
as re_migration do:
create schema dbo;
grant usage on dbo to life_application;
alter default privileges in schema dbo grant select,insert,update,delete on tables to live_application;
alter default privileges in schema dbo grant usage,select,update on sequences to live_application;
Of course the re_migration role needs to have the privileges to create a schema.
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