Re: pg_dump fatal error

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(sorry, I scr3w3d up *again* and I 'repl(ed)-to' Lucas only; Lucas, I hope you don't mind that I get this conversation back in the community list)

Le 11/02/2016 20:34, drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx a écrit :
Hi there!

yep.. this time I'm gonna do it different.

I'll run the pg_Dump in the local machine, then copy it by networking to
the new server
and the restore...

that should work :)

Yes, I think that's a quite safe way to go.

Can I use /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_dump --exclude-table-data='junk.*' >
bigdump.sql to a BIG sql file? like 1.7 TB?

If you have enough disk space available and your filesystem allows you to have big files (which I'm pretty sure), that should not be any more difficult than writing a smaller file.

I did similar tricks in the past, and I had some bugs... Most of them were related to stupid stuff like a '\n' in a varchar, which was misinterpreted at restore time, or some weird châràĉtêrs getting in the way. The way I dealt with this was to split the dump file into two parts: the structure, and the data (all the COPY statements, or INSERTS, depending). I did that splitting by using combinations of grep, tail, head, etc. Quite tedious, but it worked well. Nowadays, there is an enhancement to pg_dump which allows to directly dump into separate files the structure of the database and the tables' contents. This is *very* handy.

In your case, that would be:

# dump the structure (small file):
ssh postgres@servidorslave01 "/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_dump -s --exclude-table-data='junk.*'" > schema.sql
# dump the data (much bigger file):
ssh postgres@servidorslave01 "/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_dump -a --exclude-table-data='junk.*'" > data.sql
# just to have a look at the dumps:
less schema.sql
less data.sql
# restore the database structure:
/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/psql --dbname=uat_temp -f schema.sql
# and now the data contents:
/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/psql --dbname=uat_temp -f data.sql

Now, if you encounter more bugs while restoring, you can refer to the specific lines in the sql files, from the error messages. If you wish, yo u may separate your data dumps into several ones, for instance one per schema, stuff like that. It eases much the process of figuring out where the restoration scr3w3d up.


Le 11/02/2016 20:57, Pierre Chevalier Géologue a écrit :

What about trying to use a temporary file?

Le 11/02/2016 19:30, drum.lucas@xxxxxxxxx a écrit :
I'm doing a copy (pg_dump) from a slave server to a test server.
The DB size is 1,7 TB, and I get the error at 1,4 TB.
    ssh postgres@servidorslave01 "/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_dump
    --exclude-table-data='junk.*' --format=custom db_live"
    | /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_restore --dbname=uat_temp --exit-on-error

Something like:

ssh postgres@servidorslave01
/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_dump --exclude-table-data='junk.*' --format=custom
db_live > bigdump
/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_restore --dbname=uat_temp --exit-on-error bigdump

(no guarantee at all, I'm just blindly guessing!)

I usually do pg_dump's using plain SQL format: this allows to debug such
nasty surprises.  It sometimes helps.  In your case, I would do
something like:

ssh postgres@servidorslave01
/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_dump --exclude-table-data='junk.*' > bigdump.sql
# just to have a look at the dump:
less bigdump.sql
/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/psql --dbname=uat_temp -f bigdump


Pierre Chevalier
PChGEI: Pierre Chevalier Géologue Et Informaticien
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