On Jan 27, 2016, at 7:45 AM, John Scalia <jayknowsunix@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm wanting to test the most recent version of postgresql, so I went to yum.postgresql.org and started looking in the repo for stuff to download. Nearly every component there has 3 rpms, a rc1 copy in addition to a 1 and 2 rpm. My question is, do I need the rc1 rpm in addition to the 1 & 2 rpm's? Or which ones do I need exactly for each component? I've done a little digging on the site, and I didn't really find any guidance.
You want the ones that are 9.5.0-<latest>. So, in the RHEL6/x86_64 repo, that is:
If you let yum do the work for you, then after installing the appropriate repo RPM you can just: yum install postgresql95 and it’ll download and install the latest for you.
Hope that helps. |