After performing the partition we have to vacuum individual partitions.
Just vacuuming the parent table won't vacuum the child tables.
Thanks and Regards
Ajinkya Bangale
Database Administrator
On Friday, January 8, 2016, Edgar Delgado <edgdelgado@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Friday, January 8, 2016, Edgar Delgado <edgdelgado@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello!I've a question about partitioned tables (never used before).I got a table with 100gb and data been added and removed all the time so once I week I run vacuum on it, the problem is the vacuum is taking 1 n 1/2 hour to finish.Only newest data on this table keep been added/removed, data from 2-3 months in the past is only used for historical needs.If I partition my table will be fast the vacuum process? Can I only vacuum the main partitioned table and the the historical out of the maintenance?Thanks.Edgar