I am running postgresql upgrade from postgresql 9.0.11 to postgresql 9.4 using pg_upgrade link method and having some issues with upgrade on Reh hat 7.1.
Here is the error message, that I am getting via pg_upgrade:
/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/pg_upgrade --old-bindir=/usr/local/pgsql/bin --new-bindir=/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin --old-datadir=/opt/symcor-foa/data --new-datadir=/opt/symcor-foa/data94 -v --user=pg_foa_c --link -p 5432 -P 5433
cat loadable_libraries.txt
Could not load library "/opt/symcor-foa/pgsql//lib/pgplsh/pgplsh.so"
ERROR: could not load library "/opt/symcor-foa/pgsql//lib/pgplsh/pgplsh.so": /opt/symcor-foa/pgsql//lib/pgplsh/pgplsh.so: undefined symbol: DirectFunctionCall1
In the original cluster, I have removed function and language which reference this library, I also took postgres dump using pg_dumpall and it does not show any reference to this library plsh. Still pg_upgarde somehow reference this library.
Any help greatly appricaited as I am stuck here, can not build library on new Rhel 7 cluster, we don’t need library, but not sure how to remove the reference of it completely. I dropped from all databases and even from template1 database using droplib plsh;
I would suspect a reference in the configuration file postgresql.conf probably exists.
David J.