Hi All,
I have a database, myDatabase1 with owner (I think the same as login role) db1Owner.
At the moment, I can login to the database with above user only. No other dbUser can access to it.
I have several tables inside the database.
The database is accessible only with the above login. It is not accessible to other role/user.
What I like to have is create several users for a database.
I like to allow dbUsers1 , dbUsers2, dbUser3,... to be able to access to the same database (db1Database).
Currently if I assign the dbUsers1 as the owner of the database, the 'db1Owner' cannot not access to the 'myDatabase1' database.
How can I allow multi users to allow to access and edit the database?
How can I create multiple database users to allow to access to the same database?
I'm just a beginner to postgresDB.
Many thanks & best regards
On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Evgeniy Losev <e.losev@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Please, clarify your question.
Do you want to create login role with password and grant it to several users?
Evgeniy Losev
От: KhunSanAung
Отправлено: 12.10.2015 7:35
Кому: pgsql-admin
Тема: How to create users for a login Role?
Dear All,
I know how to create a login role for a postgres database.I used pgAdmin III to create login role and database.or via psql command;postgres=# CREATE ROLE dbuser PASSWORD 'secret' SUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN;
I'd like to know how to create users/members for each login role.How can I do it?I'd like to allow multiple users to access to a database.
I used postgres installed Ubuntu Server and access by pgAdmin III and SSH from Window OS.
--Many thanks & best regards